Be our guest at the Tennessee Valley Solar Energy Conference
$50 OFF
The annual Tennessee Valley Solar Conference + Storage will be held this year in Knoxville from October 26-27. This event, hosted by the Tennessee Solar Energy Industries Association, will provide the opportunity to discuss strategies, market trends, and policies that impact the solar and storage industry in the Tennessee Valley.
With the passage of new federal incentives with the Inflation Reduction Act. What does it mean for the booming solar and storage market in TVA? Register today and come find out! As a Partner Organization, The Tennessee Solar Energy Association (TSEA) is providing an opportunity for our members to attend at a discount. Please use the $50.00 off discount codes (same as Early Bird!) off General Registration. Discount Codes for Partners shown below:
• For Both Days: 2dayspartner
• For Day 1 only: d1partner
• For Day 2 only: d2partner
Register today:!event-register/2022/10/26/tennessee-valley-solar-conference-storage
Become a member of TSEA and help us with our mission to “educate and celebrate” solar PV in TN! Click here for a dual membership with ASES and TSEA.